


The demand for highly skilled workers is on the rise, with no indication of plateauing anytime soon. There is enormous price sensitivity within the recruitment sector, driving down margins while clients expect more and more services to justify their recruitment costs. With the fiercely competitive nature of talent acquisition, what can firms do to ensure their recruiting and organizational talent management functions are up to speed?

ccDevnet understands that today’s recruitment software must offer a complete end-to-end solution. We design software that removes the costly, time-consuming administrative burden from recruitment consultants so they can focus on managing clients and candidates. Our software replicates best practice workflows, and automates data capture and processing. We can offer multi-channel communications including email, telephone, SMS, social, online portal and mobile apps. Complete integration with job boards, back office systems and specialist recruitment services such as psychometric testing. Our recruitment database offers an advanced search engine to ensure that the best candidate is always matched with the right job. Finally, all our systems are built to be robust, scalable and very secure. Minimal downtime means you never miss an opportunity.

The key benefits of ccDevnet recruitment software include:
Powerful database search
Predefined and customised workflows
Office automation and processing
Multichannel communications suite
Systems integration
Business management and reporting tools
Web integration i.e. website, job boards, skills testing
Mobile apps
Secure, scalable, robust

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